Tirta Empul Temple

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Tirta Empul Temple

One of the famous tourism destination in between Ubudand Kintamani is Tirta Empul, Some of my customers from France they always come here every time they have a holiday in Bali. They joined the local community who doing ritual and sanctify them self. Tirta Empul temple is one of ancient remains and being magnetic offered in this village. In the western part top hill, placed a president palace was built in the Soekarno regime. Its name was adopted from a spring inside that was Tirta Empul Temple. Etymologically Tirta Empul means the spring bubble up into a land. Completely, Tirta Empul means holy spring gush out through a land, as the main source of Pakerisan river. Along the river was found some ancient ruins. The Temple was built about 960 A.D on Raja Chandra Bhayangsingha of Warmadewa dynasty and believed to have magical power. As customary, in Balinese temple consisted of three parts,  there are Jaba Pura ( front yard), Jaba tengah( centre yard) and Jeroan ( inside yard). Uniquely in jaba tengah, 33 fountains lining but left only 31 now. Facing to the west, there are 7 fountains but left only 5, dedicated to increase our “aura kundalini” in body inside. Facing to the south there are 26 fountains, devided into 3 places each: first , 13 fountains dedicated for purification,out from anykind of dirties. The ruled before we jump to the pool we have to offer “Sajen” as permission of purifying. First fountain from the west closed for public as it is dedicated only for Bayung Kintamani village , From II till X of fountains opened for public dedicated to purified all of negative matters, for each named: “pengelukatan,pembersihan, and sudamala” , while the fountain XI, XII dedicated only as holy water of Hinduism Pitra Yadnya ,so not allow for purification. Then no XIII back as purification.In the second part ,in middle one exactly consisted of 8 fountains dedicated for: two of them at western functioned as purification out from “ hujat or Sumpah Cor” ( dirty matter), continued to the eastern move to west till get “Tirta Empul”in the middle part, so finished at Tirta Empul. On the third part there are 5 fountains (Pancaka Tirta). It’s used after finished from the whole parts above. After completing our robe then let to enter this area consisted of 5 fountains. It dedicated for all process perfection, blessing with the holy water after praying ,sourced from the 5 fountains belonging. Usually , if we held ceremony the last ritual we do is ask holy water from Tirta Empul means that the ritual finished already. After that , we get in to inside yard. Mythologically ,It was related to the story of Mayadenawa battle, which happened between Mayadenawa King of Batu Anyar and Bethara Indra. In myth, King Mayadenawa was cruel to his people and didin’t allow to have religious ceremony to ask God for saving life. it was heard by the God then under lead of Bethara Indra attacked Mayadenawa. Mayadenawa ran to north of Tampak Siring village, but he loosed. By the last power he created poisonous spring ( cetik) caused most of Bethara Indra soldier died. Then plunged his spear to the ground from the gush forth holy water used for saving the soldier to be alive again. The Tirta Empul temple of Tampak Siring Gianyar is located in the eastern part of The Palace. The script placed at manukaya village mentioned that Tirta Empul Temple was built by Sang Ratu Chandra Bhayangshinga Warmadewa in Manukaya. It was on 882 caka and 860 after century. Here placed a source of spring used to destroyed anykind of dirties as it’s called Holy Water. Entering ticket Rp 15.000 for adult and Rp 10.000 for children. So don’t miss this place during your holiday in Bali, ask your guide to visit Tirta Empul, or join our gorgeous Waterfall, Vocano, Ubud Tour, have a nice trip…