Denpasar, located geographically in coordinates: 8° 39′ 0″ South, 115° 13′ 0″ East, with the area of 127.78 km2, or 12 778 ha, is the capital of Bali Province where previously it was a capital of Badung Empire which is controlling the south part region of Bali Island from the end of 18 century until conquered by Dutch in 1906. Denpasar is a place for Bali Governor’s office therewith all offices from private sector until important government office like telecommunications, post office, bank, schools, airline and hospital (Sanglah Hospital, the biggest hospital in Bali), Bali Museum, public temple Jagatnatha. Taman Budaya or Bali Art Center
The word of Denpasar, den-pasar is means in north of market. It is a fast growing town especially since the tourism industry growth around 1960.